Day 98-104. 20-26th Feb

 A busy week with lots of focus on doing things for myself. 

On Monday we started by walking without sticks between two safe areas. I had a plinth to one side and a table to the other to help me steady myself if needed, and members of the team strategically placed to catch me if I fell. The aim being to build up to walking without sticks.

Tuesday we worked on raising myself from sit to stand from a height of 18 inches. This is to simulate getting up from a sofa by myself once I'm home. After a challenge from one of the therapists we decided to try and combine that with some free walking. I think I surprised even myself!πŸ™‚

Obviously everything I am doing is designed to prepare me for independent living outside of the hospital environment and on Wednesday we worked on negotiating obstacles by trying the Two stick slalom and building balance and confidence with the One stick dash.

Thursday was a standing shower without the use of sticks (Don't worry..No video 😳 )  just a support rail and the team on standby to catch me if I fell. Leading on from that, Friday we worked on how to get myself up from a fall. This involves kneeling on prosthetics, resting on a surface then raising myself from prone to standing without any aids. It was incredibly taxing but the recent emphasis on core and glute training is finally starting to pay dividends.

And to round off a positive and rewarding week Friday afternoon, in  a meeting involving myself, David and the team, it was agreed that I now have a firm discharge date of March 24th ....Eek! 😧
This fills me with equal measures of excitement, relief and trepidation ( not fear ...yet) and I realise just how much I am going to have to cram in to my final three and a half weeks.


  1. Allison you're doing fantastic chic, it'll be great to have you back home after so long. You n Rich make a great team and together you'll get stronger and stronger..... you've got a great training in Rich. Looking forward to seeing you, keep going..... love from King Slonzirelli and Anita xx

  2. Fantastic news -well done. So pleased for you.

  3. Well done, you are phenomenal ....... great news about discharvd date. Lots of love Lisa. X

  4. I'm so pleased you're nearly home!! It may be graft for the next few weeks but look at how far you've came!! Well done!!! You're smashing this! Xxx

  5. Allison. Wow what a change since your last update. Incredible more milestones and to top it all a date to go home. How fantastic for you and yours. Timed it right for some coming out of lockdown stuff and nice Spring weather. Well done. Inspiring as always xxx. Julie

  6. Allison week after week you never fail to amaze
    You are unstoppable now
    Spend every second learning all the basics you need to get you home safe sound and back with a family that loves you and cannot wait to see you
    Keep going girl πŸ’•xx Mary Karen and Jake xx

  7. Just about there now Allison, you have been amazing, you put your mind to it and smashed every step. Once you are home, you and our Dave will find a system which works for you both and then there will be no stopping youze. You have been an inspiration to us all and in many ways, shown us to respect and value what we have and to stop twittering on about things in life which really don't matter. Can't wait to see you, until then keep going, you've about done it me luvly ✨πŸ’«πŸ¦ΎπŸ¦ΏπŸ’œπŸ’š


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