Day 48-54 1-7th January 2021

 After finishing 2020 on a high, 2021 hasn’t gotten off to the start I was hoping for 🙁. Unfortunately I’ve succumbed to an infection and it’s knocked me for six!

On New Year’s Day I woke up feeling cold but thought it was due to a window being left open overnight. I also had a headache but apart from that I thought I felt fine. By the evening however while we were FaceTiming, David had noticed that I was having difficulty holding a conversation for more than a couple of words at a time and asked if I could be checked over. Feeling cold, aches and pains, confusion could be symptoms of Sepsis and he was concerned it might be serious.

It turned out that I was in fact running a temperature and I was very disoriented but I honestly didn’t realise. Given the current situation with Covid, they wanted to avoid moving me off the ward and started me off on antibiotics but by the following day my condition had deteriorated and I had to be transferred to St George’s where I have spent the last couple of days sleeping and fighting off the infection. 

During that time I had very little direct contact with home and I think we all found that very difficult but normal service was resumed on Wednesday and we picked up again on FaceTime. Video calling is a marvellous thing and has helped us immensely throughout this year but having not seen me for a couple of days, David was online while my Obs were being taken and he was again concerned on seeing my arm waving around with a bloodstained dressing on the end. Thankfully the  Nurse finished up by saying she would get a clean bandage so she could get rid of the Jam stains from that mornings breakfast...Oops!🙄

For more information on Sepsis I would urge you to please  look online. There are numerous sites such as and


  1. Allison if ever anybody had everything in the book thrown at them it's you me dear but as ever you've rose to the challenge and beat it but your turn now for no more complication or hurdles to jump plain sailing to get you to full strength walking and back home
    I know you will do it so keep going me love we all there with you and cannot wait till we are all back together
    One big crazy but happy family 💕😘xx

  2. Just remember you're UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Simple as that, keep going me luvly 💚💜✨xxx


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