Day 28-35. 12-19th of December.

Another week of slow but steady progress.  On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday it was back to a combination of both Corridor walks and Gym work focussing on my legs. Each day I was able to improve on the last by walking a just little further each time but by Thursday after my dressing change the pain in my left leg was too much and it was decided I should keep off it for the day. Instead I concentrated on side lying and exercising in bed.

On Friday we gave it another go and I was able to not only walk, once again beating my personal best, but also stand on the pulpit unaided for the first time! It was only for a short while but it felt great and encouraged me to push on.🙂

Ive also been practicing and improving on my personal  hygiene  skills by brushing my teeth and hair, and washing my own face. A lot of the other personal skills are learnt while sitting upright which unfortunately im not allowed to do because of the wounds on my bottom but these are slowly improving so hopefully we can do more of that in the new year.

 For the last couple of weeks we had been discussing the possibility of me having a short visit home for Christmas. Unfortunately this would have involved a five hour journey by car both there and back and after discussions with the team we decided that this could compromise the progress we have made in the healing of my bottom. Both David and I were disappointed but realistic enough to know that in the long term it was the right decision.

Instead it was agreed that David would visit a few days before Christmas and we could spend some time together then. Unfortunately, Tier 4 restrictions appear to have scuppered that as well. 🙁  Once again though we have to take the long term view on this and will  make sure that our Christmas with the family is just postponed for the time being and replaced with plenty of time together on Facetime.


  1. Keep strong and always have your eyes on going home, you are still inspirational xx

  2. You're stronger than covid! Enjoy a chilled out and quiet Christmas cos next year we're having a week long party!!! Xx

  3. Agree with that sam you are progressing every day Allison and thats amazing keep going cross that finish line and get back home that's when the fun starts 🎉💕xx

  4. So very proud of you my gorgeous gorgeous friend x

  5. You are amazing. Can't wait to see you March into 2021. Best wishes. X

  6. As disappointing as it is Allison,you are safer where you are. You have made massive gains and as much as we all miss you, we would prefer you think about yourself and your recovery. Keep going remember you are UNSTOPPABLE XXX🌈💜


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